Hey gang... wanna spend time hanging with your fav staff members? Well, beginning this Thursday, August 26, join us for our first (of many) ToonTown Fellowship Staff Sponsored Fun Runs!!!! Each staff member will bring their own 'twist' to the run, just to spice things up and make it interesting. They will advise you of any particular requirements or parameters.
Our normally scheduled runs begin at 8:30 PM EST, with the CEO, but during the TTFSSFR event, this particular run will be hosted by our beloved Senior Developer Maxwell. Who insists that there will be NO Golf during the final CEO seltzer round! I'm sure he has another quirk or two up his sleeve as well...
Next, at 9:30 PM EST, our dainty, yet ferocious Marie will be hosting the VP. Marie states that ONLY level 4 gags, and below, will be used during this run.
At 10:00 PM EST, the CFO will feature our lovely spotted friend, Perdita, who will be soundless.. there will also be NO safes during this run.. Goons ONLY!!! She asks that you not bring any sound gags in your pouch! Opera singer is the exception, but cannot be used during cog battles. No safes while the CFO is stunned... Only Goon-tossing will be permitted.
And to finish the evening, our resident princess, Snow White will be hosting the CJ, and requests that you only bring 3 Tracks of gags.. ANY 3 are fine, but limit it to that. Level 7 gags are exempt from this limit.
As stated, ask your staff member for any clarification necessary. We believe this will be a fun, and welcomed twist to our events.
We hope to repeat this theme, with varied twists, turns and sponsors, so stay Tooned.
Oh, and before I forget to mention it... there will be a SPECIAL, attendee-only shirt available to those that join us for these runs!!!
If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to let us know....
We look forward to seeing you all there...
Be Good Toons!!