October 25, 2020
Uber Panel:
Added Uber Panel, enabling one to create an Uber, or Challenge Toon, with static limits, inhibiting the addition of unwanted laff points.
May 25, 2020
New District:
Added Hazard Hills district. No special abilities offered, and Laff restrictions have been lifted. No augmented VP stunning abilities, easy VP enabled in this district. Also, there are no limitations or minimum requirements on Laff limits for Boss Battles.
March 13, 2020
VP Pie Throw Training Wheels:
Added feature to enable the use of a slower pitch on the VP pie throwing. Also enables use of standard throw and slow throw simultaneously.
January 09, 2020
Snow at Estates:
​Add snow to the Estates
December 24, 2019
Christmas / New Year's Gifts:
Add Gifts under the tree for Christmas and New Years'
December 07, 2019
Add Snow and Christmas Tree:
Add snow to all playgrounds for the holidays and Winter
Add Christmas Tree for the season
November 06, 2019
Misc Updates / Upgrades:
Increase Treat healing values in CEO
Movement fixes and Doodle movement improvements
CEO and VP movement improvements
October 23, 2019
You Spin Me Right Round:
Added new "Spinning" VP, whereas the VP will rotate on his axis during pie round. Creating a more challenging experience.
July 26, 2019
Estate Addition:
Added "Laffing Tub" Hot Tub to Estates.
Multiple fixes and improvements on performance
June 21, 2019
Multiple Updates and Corrections:
Adjusted gardening awards to account for increased gardening area
Added auto re-connect feature when connection momentarily drops
Changed gardening pick water plant menu for better viewing
Added 'HotKey' for watering (delete)
Addressed issues with friends list
May 24, 2019
Estate Juke Box:
Released Jukebox for Estates.
May 24, 2019
Estate Garden:
Added shared Estate Garden to Toon Estates.
February 22, 2019
Multiple Fixes:
Added option to save screenshots to personal pictures folder
Corrected issue that caused lower item recovery rates
February 14, 2019
64 bit PC Support / Phrase Increase:
Added 64 bit support for PC's
Increased phrase limit
February 11, 2019
ValenToons' Updates:
Engaged original ValenToon holiday with party and playground features
Added special ValenToon dance music to accompany dance emote
February 09, 2019
Laff Requirements:
Change Laff requirements for Cog Golf, Mints and DA Offices
February 07, 2019
Beta 1.5.0 Release:
Various related bug fixes.
Complete re-work of ToonTown music playback
Smoother music transitions
New Acorn Acres Tasklines
Complete rework of layout loading
January 11, 2019
New Launcher
Numerous under-the hood changes
Fixed Cog Radar
December 15, 2018
WASD Support:
WASD support and programmable keys added.
November 22, 2018
Content Update:
Added Sentinels to Boss HQ's
Added Laff Meters during Boss Battles
Added Uber boarding groups
November 14, 2018
Closet Expansion / Loss of Experience Fix:
Expanded number of clothing articles and accessories to 5000
Fixed issue where one would lose experience points when hit, in spite of unite being administered
November 09, 2018
Boss HQ Golf Fix:
Fixed issue with grey screen after riding kart in golf games.
November 08, 2018
Parties Restored:
Parties restored to all playgrounds. Tested and functional. Public Parties only, at this time.
October 27, 2018
Bossbot Suit Added:
Bossbot Suit added as clothing item. Currently available only through special events.
October 25, 2018
F7 Fix:
Corrected issue where F7 would only open the Friends List. It will now toggle the Friends List open and closed.
October 23, 2018
Music / Battle Speech Edit:
Added Spooky Dance Music to Dance feature (Halloween time only.)
Improved CEO Speech and Story line presented by Good Ol' Gil
Edited background music for smoother transition between loops
October 15, 2018
Discord Integration & Whitelist Update:
Added Discord Presence Integration, allowing players to see your location and presence while in-game.
All approved Toon names are now white-listed.
October 10, 2018
Whitelist Update:
Massive update on acceptable in-game words.
September 24, 2018
Streamline Toontorial:
Streamline Toontorial play and gag selection.
September 23, 2018
Improve Doodles:
Correct proximity detection when interacting with Doodles.
July 18, 2018
Launcher Update:
Added new launcher. Improved performance and response
November 24, 2017
Six Star Cards Added:
Created NEW Six-Star SOS Cards
October 27, 2017
Watering Laff Bonus:
Watering at your estate now adds laff boost. Possible max of 145 now.
July 05, 2016
Update 1.4.4:
District / Estate crash bug fix
Library flicker fix
Increase closet items to 200
Increase chest items to 100
June 10, 2016
Update 1.4.3:
Added "Enigmeow" Chat Bot in TTC
Added "Minimize Graphics Effects" to Schticker book for smoother game play on slower PC's.
Fixed "No gags in panel" issue when using back button.
December 18, 2015
Update 1.4.0:
Doodles Released
April 06, 2015
• Tailors now put your previous clothing back in your closet
• Tailors stop stealing your tickets if you cancel
• Adjusted some magic words to make it easier for community managers to handle invasions
• Added new fellowshiptt@gmail.com speedchat phrase
• Tailors take jellybeans now as well as tickets
• CFO Treasures jump like they did in TTO
April 05, 2015
Bug Fix 1.3.1
Another quest fix
Added treasures
Fixed the friendslist bug