Hi guys and gals... I just wanted to introduce myself and fill you in on all the great new things you can find at my spiffy new shop!!!
I'm Ezra... Ezra E. Pifany.... This is me...
And this is my new shop, Ezra's Essentials...
My shop and I are conveniently located on your local ToonTown Central Playground... So, come on in and say, "Hi!".
Once we have you fitted with your new Backpack, there are all kinds of things you can tote around and have handy for quick use.
Now, these items don't just grow on trees... We all gotta make a living, right? So, I do have to charge a modest fee for some of these goods and services, but I'm a reasonable sorta guy.. So don't worry.
Oh, but there is ONE catch here... we don't accept JellyBeans at our store. We DO, however, welcome the new ToonTown Fellowship Funny Money!!!
And obtaining these funds couldn't be easier... Just keep doing what you've been doing; defeating bosses, buildings, taking out cogs, etc.. You will find these rewards are plentiful and easy to earn. One other thing.. these coins are a bit heavy, so you can only carry so many at a time... But you'll be able to easily replenish your supply.
As far as the items available for purchase, you will be happy to hear that we have all sorts of stuff to make your life as a Toon, much more enjoyable....
You can purchase your very own personal rain storm for your estate, and water ALL of your plants, AT ONCE. Or, you can even buy the ability to run MUCH faster. Making it super fast and easy to get from place to place. You might even want to increase your chances of catching that elusive and RARE fish species from the local ponds. And if that's not your thing, you can even double your racing tickets, OR trophies earned... How about THAT?? Then, when it's time to relax, you can enjoy a few rounds of golf, with DOUBLE golf credits as a reward... Ain't life grand???
So, FOR NOW, that's what I have available, and ready for IMMEDIATE purchase and use. There are LOTS of more things coming to my store as well... Custom clothing, furniture, estate rentals, and MUCH more... So keep active and stay Tooned.
Be sure and tell all your friends, family, distant relatives, strangers on the street, and basically anybody you bump into, that I have some exciting new stuff for you here... and your loyal staff tells me there is much more to come....
See you all real soon,