Come one, come all... The Second Annual Toon Golf Extravaganza has begun in Hollandia. This event will continue, throughout the week, and conclude next Saturday night (April 4th) at Midnight Pacific Standard Time.
Remember, the object of the Toon Golf Extravaganza to obtain a HIGH score. There are specific points awarded for a hole-in-one, team play, course difficulty, etc. The scoring system is displayed in the Marquee shown here, in Chip 'n Dale's Golf. The leaderboard, showing the current leaders, can be seen HERE, or on our webpage, under the designated link on the Home Page.
Following the conclusion of this epic event, there will be an awards ceremony, to be held at the entrance to the golf courses in Hollandia, on Sunday, April 5th, at 7PM EST.
All Toons with a score of at least 150 in the Toon Golf Extravaganza event, will receive a commemorative Participation T-shirt. And the Top Three Individuals will receive special shirts for their efforts.
Any Toon that completed an 18 hole game during the Toon Golf Masters event, on all four days, will receive a participation shirt for that evenr. The Top Three Individuals will receive a special Masters T-shirt.
Thanks for all you guys do to make this such a great place.
We hope to see you all there